So, here's the bio...
If I was about to part with cash to have someone help me, I'd want to be sure they actually know what they're talking about.
So here's my totally non-third-person bio (I get so tired writing those, some want fifty words, some want sixty. Drives me wild. And why third person anyway? Why??)
As well as mentoring, working the Uni day job and being a mother to two children I am still a writer and freelancer, despite the challenges that living with a brain like mine presents. I’ve had to find workarounds, and tune out all the advice that neurotypical writers seem to find so useful, but which add to the list of things I can’t easily do (cue intense self-criticism and shame spirals and not working for weeks), such as "focus your ideas", and "take criticism in your stride". It’s slow progress but I’m “out there”, walking the walk, and to be fair, I’m doing pretty good.....
Wins, publications and notable successes
The Healing Workbook: Tips and guided exercises to help overcome trauma, Published by Summersdale
"The Unbearable Weariness of the Midlife Woman", 34th Parallel, issue 107
"Find Him", Wilderness House Literary Review
"Waiting Room", First Line short story competition, Writing Magazine - first place
"The Lost and the Found", selected for Normal Deviation: A Weird Fiction Anthology
"Tattoo Man", 1000 word short story competition, Writing Magazine - first place
"To Happiness on A Train", Travel short story competition, Writing Magazine - first place
"Empathy", Creative Non-Fiction competition, Writing Magazine - first place
"Finish The Bottle", New Start short story competition, Writing Magazine - first place
"The Lake, Two Septembers Ago", Love Story short story competition, Writing Magazine - first place
"Penny", Odd Couple short story competition, Writing Magazine - first place
"My Best Friend", Creative Non-Fiction competition, Writing Magazine - first place
"Not A Very Nice Girl," Grand Prize, Writing Magazine - runner up
"Heaven is for Forest Bathers" published by Free Flash Fiction
"Hoping for Puffins", shortlisted for the Alpine Fellowship Writing Prize 2022